Feast of St. James

St. James was the first apostle martyred for our Lord.  He was full of fervor and zeal. 

St. James, you mean so much to me.  The church where I received my Baptism, my
First Confession, my first Holy Communion, my Confirmation were all in the parish of St. James.  I lived across the street all through my childhood.  I attended the grade school.  My first job was answering phones in the rectory on Saturday mornings.  Your beautiful old church building was ever present to me.  One of my own sons was baptized there as well, and my oldest daughter got married there.  My sister later taught at the school for 10 years.  She was so shocked and grieved when Monsignor Reinecke shot himself on the grounds of Holy Cross Abbey after being accused of abusing two minors 25 years before.  See the story in the Washington Post here. 

This is my own prayer to St. James:
St. James, you were full of zeal for Christ.  Inspire your apostolic children today to regain that zeal.  You had courage for Christ. Advocate for your brothers who followed you into the priesthood, let them learn courage from you.  Too long have we suffered under the rule of abusive shepherds who use their power to harm the flock they are commissioned to serve.  Help us, the laity, to help them, your spiritual descendants.  Let us remember, as you always did, that loving Christ, being true to His Word, is our goal.  The other apostles were jealous of you wanting to sit at the Lord's right hand, but you were first to give the ultimate gift of your own life, you loved our Lord so much.  Fill the hearts of our priests and bishops with that same self-sacrificing fire of love, a love willing to give up everything for Christ.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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