St. Anne, Pray for Us!

Today is the feast of the Sts. Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus.  I chose St. Anne as my confirmation saint, because I too had a grandmother named Anne.  In fact, we never even called her grandmother or grandma.  We always called her Anne because when she first became a grandmother she really thought she was too young to be one!  Anyway, when I realized that I had a grandmother with the same name as Jesus had, I decided that was the name for my confirmation.

In spite of my disillusionment with the clergy of the Church, I still draw strength from the saints, from prayer, from Scripture, from the ordinary Catholics I know who are busy helping the homeless, rescuing babies from abortion, trying to implement Laudato Si' in parish life and in their own daily lives, working with children on the border in Texas.  I know many good Catholics who live their faith.  They are the true Church.  And the power-hungry, conniving predators who make up her hierarchy shall not prevail against them.

St. Anne, pray for me.  Pray for us.  Pray for our Church.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


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