Step 1: Prayer
St. Lawrence of Brindisi, holy priest, pray for us! The first thing I would like the St. Theobald Society to focus on is prayer. I would eventually like to see a website of some sort where a community of believers commit to prayer. We can pray in general that the Church be cleansed of corruption and be born anew to holiness. We could also pray for specific prayer requests from priests, sisters, and others who know of a situation that needs it. I'd like us to be able to pray 24/7 by having different people in different parts of the world commit to praying an hour a week. I'd like it to be that people can request prayer anonymously but also by name if they so choose. To be able to pray 24/7 we need only 168 people to commit to dedicating one hour a week to pray for the Church. That's not much. Will you pray? Yesterday, I went to daily Mass and dedicated it to praying for all priests, seminarians and church workers who are despairing over the hypoc...
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